Corn Salad

Corn Salad

Fall and winter are “Soup Seasons” at my house.  I am not allowed to make soup before October 1 or after March 21.  I guess that means that March 22 begins salad season.  And I love salads as much as I love soups.  There are spring salads and fall salads.   I know a lot of people who even make a case for winter salads.  But it’s June now, and what represents summer better than a fresh corn salad?

My grandfather grew corn on his farm in Mississippi.  I remember spending summers picking and shucking endless ears of corn outside in the sweltering heat and then eating corn on the cob slathered with Parkay Spread squeezed from a bottle (I know, I know margarine is shi*t, but it tasted really good!).

Unlike that bottled margarine, corn is fresh and vibrant this time of year, a perfect base for a bright summer salad.  Still, you can always use frozen corn if you aren’t into shucking fresh corn. If, however,  you are into it (shucking corn, that is) but need some help, here is a good instructional article from the Kitchn.

Once you have successfully removed the husks, you will want to either roast or grill the corn. I don’t have a preference on method.  Deciding whether to grill or roast usually comes down to a matter of convenience.  If I am already using the grill, I will first spray the corn all over with cooking spray (I like to use Trader Joe’s Spanish Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil spray) and then wrap each ear individually in aluminum foil.  I put them on the grill to cook for about 30 minutes until the kernels are slightly soft when pricked with a fork.  Otherwise, if I choose to roast them in the oven, I prepare the ears of corn the same way but preheat a 425 degree oven and throw them in there for about 30 minutes.

While the corn cooks, I chop my other vegetables (tomatoes, onions) and cilantro and mix the dressing to give the flavors a few minutes to marinate.  Once the corn comes off the grill (or out of the oven), I let it cool for a minute.  Then, I cut the kernels off the cob using a sharp knife.


Pro Tip: Place a smaller bowl upside down in a large bowl.  Place the base of the corn cob on top of the upside down bowl, and holding the tip of the cob, use the knife to slice down . Remove the smaller bowl, once you have cut all the kernels off the cobs.  Then, mix the other vegetables, cilantro, dressing and fresh feta cheese together with the corn and Voila…summer in a bowl!

corn salad bowl with dark background

Corn Salad

What screams summer more than a fresh, colorful salad? Nothing, I say!
5 from 1 vote


  • 4 ears of corn shucked
  • 3 tablespoons white wine vinegar
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • Juice of one lime
  • Handful of fresh cilantro torn and then finely chopped
  • 1 pint cherry tomatoes halved
  • 1/2 cup red onion diced
  • 1/2 cup feta cheese optional
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Cook corn using your preferred method. I personally prefer to either grill or roast fresh corn. In order to grill or roast, take shucked corn and spray with cooking spray. Then, wrap each ear in individual sheets of aluminum foil.
  • If grilling: place on indirect heat of grill for 30-45 minutes, until corn kernels are soft when pricked with a fork.
  • If roasting: preheat oven to 425 and roast for 30-45 minutes until corn kernels are soft when pricked with a fork.
  • While corn cooks, mix vinegar, olive oil, lime juice and cilantro in a small bowl. Set aside for the flavors to marinate.
  • After letting the corn cool, cut the kernels from the cob with a sharp knife.
  • Combine corn, tomatoes, onion and feta in large bowl.
  • Mix in dressing and season with salt and pepper to taste.

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